Sunday, March 6

a letter to "sj"

hi you:)
so, tomorrow is your big day (well, the docs say tomorrow into tuesday morning...but your dad and i would like to think and hope that tomorrow is when you will be welcomed to the world). 
we have been waiting for this moment for so long and now it is finally here.
words cant describe how excited we and everyone else (that you will inherit as family-like it or not) are to finally meet you.
to be honest, we thought that you would have been here by now...but no worries-we are still ready and excited for you to arrive. we are probably more ready since we have had extra time preparing. so, thanks for staying in there really have helped yourself by giving us more time to "mentally" and "physically" prepare.  and of course, gave yourself more time to get bigger than you already are:)

as your parents, we would like you to know a few things before you come into this world...
* we still are unsure of your what name is (we have been working on this for months and months and its a lot of pressure to pick a name that you will be stuck with for the rest of your life)... but we do promise to name you before we leave the hospital
* you have a lot of pjs to wear...please do not grow too fast
* your dad thinks you will be able to walk and swim on your own in september...we will work with you as best we can, but dont worry it will be ok if you cant
* i like things to be clean all the i am going to appologize now for always cleaning and making you change your clothes when you get them dirty or take a bath after any kind of nastyness that happens
* you have two sets of amazing grandparents...they are going to spoil you (i promise;))
* your aunt and uncle are even more much fun and have already promised to babysit (we will try not to pass you off to others too much, but mommy and daddy need some time too!)
* you already had a "valentine"...le'ts just say you are going to have a lot of girls around you in your life...not a bad thing for a guy, but between you and me...your dad is going to teach you alot, but being a "player" is probably not one of them!
* we are always on the go...hope your ready to be lugged around everywhere (if you are really good, we will get you a prize)
* you can be anything you want to be when you grow up...anything...well, as long as you play sports (that would be your dad's request)
* lastly...we love you soooooooo much. 

so, to you son...we can not wait to see your face, touch your little fingers and toes and bring you home so we can finally be a family of 3.


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